Dear Member

Notice is given that the BIOS AGM and BOSTU AGM 2018 will be held on Tuesday 26th June 2018 at 9.00 am .

Location: Jury's Inn Waterfront, Kings Road Brighton BN1 2GS

Open to all BIOS members (no charge).

Please note that the AGM this year will be held during the Annual BIOS Conference and is open to all BIOS members. If you are a member and would like to attend the AGM but do not wish to stay and attend the conference please contact to register your intention to attend so that we can cater for your arrival.


8.45 Arrival Refreshments

9.00 - 10.00 am AGM (BIOS & BOSTU)

•Receiving of:

previous year's minutes,

Chair's Report,

Officers/Representatives for 2017

, accounts for 2017 and auditors' remuneration

•Approval and voting on any resolutions (as below)

Resolution 1 - To set members' fee level for 2019

Resolution 2 - To convert and rename the voting 'non funded Vice Chair Trustee' to 'Trustee' and to agree the Chair of LOOP be appointed as this Trustee.


10.00 End (Those BIOS members not registered for the conference to kindly leave.)

Please find attached:

•minutes AGM 2017 (unratified)

The annual report and 2017 summary accounts will be available on the day in printed copy and full accounts will be circulated electronically just prior to the meeting.

Please send any questions regarding BIOS, BOSTU and in particular any questions regarding the resolutions to the Chair by 21st June 2018 so that answers can be prepared and addressed at the meeting as the accountants will not be in attendance.

Veronica Greenwood

Chair BIOS and BOSTU


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