Big Bang

Big Bang

Dear orthoptists

We have been given the fantastic opportunity to raise awareness of orthoptics at the Big Bang event, NEC, Birmingham which takes place from Wednesday 14th March to Saturday 17th March. This event help to raise awareness of different professions and career options, which involve science and aimed at primary and secondary school children. It is expected approximately 80,000-100,000 people will attend over the 4 days. The event runs from 9.00am to 4.00pm each day.


For more details about the event, please click

Health Education England (HEE) is paying Orthoptists to have an interactive stand as we are recognised as a profession that many people don’t know about and therefore recruitment of students is challenging.

We need your help!


Sheffield and Liverpool Universities and BIOS are working together to create a fun interactive stand. Orthoptic students and academic staff will be working on the stand but we also desperately need clinicians to volunteer. HEE will be paying for your travel expenses so even if you do not live in Birmingham they will pay for your train ticket.

If you are interested, please ask your department if it would be possible for you to be released for one day or volunteer on Saturday 17th March.

Please let me know by Monday 12th February at 12.00 if you can help so I can let HEE know.


Many thanks for your support

Anne Bjerre

Admissions Tutor and Lecturer in Orthoptics



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Cambridge · CB1 2LA

United Kingdom

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